The Samples

- Hi, how would you like to try some salsas and guacamole? These are all my creations. I have four types of salsas, three ranging from mild to hot, and another medium one with corn added to it. I also have a mix that you can add to your avocado to make the best guacamole ever. People have tried to imitate it, but they all have failed. Do you know I was featured in the Food Network? I am just a regular guy from Indianapolis, but my salsas are well known all over. My name is A___

- Cool, I like those chips. What brand are they?

- Hi, how would you like …

- Cool, were you really in the Food Network? That’s on cable, right?

- I sure was. Yes, I believe that’s on cable.

- I don’t pay for cable anymore, they just want your money. Maybe I can see you on Netflix. Is the Food Network on Netflix?

- Hi, how would you like …

- Not bad, how many tomato varieties do you use in your salsas?

- I use only the best tomatoes of this one variety…

- Do you know that Heinz ketchup uses 57 varieties of tomatoes?

- I believe they sell 57 different products, not tomato varieties…

- I like Heinz, maybe you should have more varieties…

- Hey kid! where is your mom? Stop eating those chips…!

- Hi, how would you like …

- These are pretty good. Under what brand do you sell your salsas?

- Uncle Charlie

- Are you related to Adam Wainwright?

- I don’t think so, I am from Italian descent. Why are you asking that?

- Uncle Charlie is Wainwright’s Twitter handle. He was a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. Do you like baseball?

- Not particularly…

- You should have seen them in the 2011 World Series game six, best game ever, with David Freese staging an amazing comeback. Now that I think about it, Wainwright didn’t play that year because of injury. You should checkout that game anyway…

- Hi, how would you like …

- What type of corn do you put in that one salsa

- It’s sweet corn

- I hate sweet salsas.

- It’s not a sweet salsa, it’s just that the corn variety I use is called sweet corn.

- Thats’ dumb. Why would they call sweet corn to a corn that is not sweet.

- Hello Mr. A____

- Hi Sally

- How was your day, Mr. A_____

- Well, you know…just another day selling my world-famous salsas… I see the place is pretty busy, can I get my regular table?

- You sure can Mr. A_____. So, what are you having?

- The usual…

- You got it. Fettuccine Alfredo coming up….